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Attorney Ali Toll

When do most car crashes occur?

On Behalf of | Aug 10, 2024 | Car Accidents

Car crashes can occur at any time with minimal warning. A drunk or distracted driver can pull out in front of someone on their way to work in the morning or when heading home with the children after afternoon basketball practice.

Drivers should always be on the lookout for signs of unsafe conduct on the part of other people. That being said, there are certain times when crash risk is higher than others. Looking at an analysis of recent crash data can help people determine when they need to be the most proactive about their safety.

When is a motor vehicle collision most likely to occur?

Risky times to drive change with the season

When reviewing crash data from 2023, it becomes quite clear that the time of day that is most dangerous to be on the road fluctuates with the season. During the late fall, winter and early spring, late afternoon is the deadliest time to be on the road.

Between November and the end of March, most deadly collisions occur between 4 p.m. and 7:59 p.m. In the summer months, non-fatal crashes tend to happen earlier in the day, between noon and 3:59 p.m. Deadly crashes during the warmer months, on the other hand, tend or occur between 8 p.m. and 11:59 p.m.

Light levels and social habits throughout the year may influence overall collision risk. It is worth noting that while there tend to be far fewer vehicles on the road after dark, there are quite a few serious collisions during the night. While the night is not statistically the worst time for crashes overall, it may be particularly dangerous when accounting for the number of crashes as compared to the number of miles traveled.

For many people, the late afternoon and early evening are times when their risk of a collision is highest. They may want to minimize their travel during these high-risk times depending on the season. They may also want to explore alternate routes that keep them away from the busiest streets where crashes are more common.

Identifying and learning from collision trends and potentially help people avoid life-altering motor vehicle crashes. Drivers who know when their risk is higher than usual can make informed choices about their driving habits.
